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Why fixed income now ?


After more than a decade of low interest rates, the tide is finally turning.  Bond yields have markedly increased on the response of multiple episodes of Fed tightening and fixed income is now showing signs of growth. As yields increase we expect there to be distinct investment opportunities within the fixed income space, whether as a vehicle to deliver income or as a diversifying asset to equity markets.

BNY Mellon Investment Management, offers extensive fixed income capabilities. Clients can access traditional and specialist fixed income strategies which can be tailored to meet client-specific investment needs.

Our expertise spans the spectrum of global fixed income opportunities, with our investment philosophy focused on achieving precision and diversification as we pursue a range of outcomes for our clients.

We seek out yield in unexpected places, constantly innovating to deliver refreshingly different fixed income solutions.



Featured Funds

We offer a broad range of fixed income solutions, from traditional fixed income to specialist fixed income funds.



BNY Mellon Global Credit Fund

BNY Mellon Global Credit Fund

Objective: To achieve a total return from income and capital growth.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit TR Index (hedged to US Dollars) (the “Benchmark”).

The Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment Manager has discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus. However, as the Benchmark covers a significant proportion of the investable universe, the majority of the Sub-Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and the weightings in the portfolio may be similar to those of the Benchmark. The investment strategy will restrict the extent to which the portfolio holdings may deviate from the Benchmark and consequently the extent to which the Sub-Fund can outperform the Benchmark.

BNY Mellon Global Short-Dated High Yield Fund

BNY Mellon Global Short-Dated High Yield Fund

Objective: To deliver positive returns greater than the Cash Benchmark SOFR (90-day compounded) on a 3 year rolling basis.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against SOFR (90-day compounded) (the “Cash Benchmark”). SOFR (the Secured Overnight Financing Rate) is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralised by U.S. Treasuries and is administered by the New York Federal Reserve.

The Cash Benchmark is used as a target against which to measure its performance on a rolling annualised 3-year basis, before fees.

The Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment Manager has discretion over the selection of investments, subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus.

BNY Mellon US Municipal Infrastructure Debt Fund

BNY Mellon US Municipal Infrastructure Debt Fund

Objective: To provide as high a level of income as is consistent with the preservation of capital.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against 50% Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Municipal Bond TR Index, 50% Bloomberg Barclays Taxable U.S. Municipal Bond TR Index (the "Benchmark"). The Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment Manager has absolute discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus. While the majority of the Fund's holdings are expected to be constituents of, and have similar weightings to, the Benchmark, the investment strategy does not restrict the extent to which the Investment Manager may deviate from the Benchmark.


Responsible Horizons


Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond Fund

Responsible Horizons UK Corporate Bond Fund

Objective: To generate a return through a combination of income and capital returns, whilst taking environmental, social and governance ("ESG")factors into account. The Fund targets the outperformance of the Markit iBoxx GBP Collateralized & Corporate Index after fees over any rolling three year period (meaning a period of three years, no matter which day you start on). However, performance is not guaranteed and a capital loss may occur.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against the Markit iBoxx GBP Collateralized & Corporate Index (the "Benchmark")after fees over any rolling three year period (meaning a period of three years, no matter which day you start on). The Fund will use Markit iBoxx GBP Collateralized & Corporate Index as a target for the purposes of monitoring the risk taken in the Fund and the UK Investment Association's Sterling Corporate Bond NR Sector average as an appropriate comparator because it includes a broad representation of similar Sterling denominated funds that invest incorporate bonds.  Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment   discretion to invest outside the Benchmarks, subject to the investment objective and policy as disclosed in the Prospectus.

Responsible Horizons Euro Impact Fund

Responsible Horizons Euro Impact Fund

Objective:To achieve positive environmental and/or social impacts while generating a total return comprised of income and capital growth by investing in a broad range of Euro-denominated debt and debtrelated securities and related financial derivative instruments (“FDI”).

Benchmark:The Fund will measure its performance against the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Corporate Green Bond Index, (the “Benchmark”).

The Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment Manager has discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policy. However, as the Benchmark covers a significant proportion of the investable universe, the majority of the Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and the weightings in the portfolio may be similar to those of the Benchmark. The investment strategy will restrict the extent to which the portfolio holdings may deviate from the Benchmark and consequently the extent to which the Fund can outperform the Benchmark.

Responsible Horizons Strategic Bond Fund

Responsible Horizons Strategic Bond Fund

Objective: To generate a return through a combination of income and capital returns, whilst taking environmental, social and governance ("ESG")factors into account.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against the UK Investment Association Sterling Strategic Bond Sector as a comparator benchmark (the "Benchmark"). The Fund will use the Benchmark as an appropriate comparator because it represents abroad range of similar Sterling denominated bond funds that invest in corporate bonds.


Efficient Beta Range


BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. Fallen Angels Beta Fund

BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. Fallen Angels Beta Fund

Objective: To generate a return in excess of the benchmark (detailed below) with similar levels of volatility over the medium to long term before fees and expenses, whilst taking environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors into account.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against Bloomberg Barclays US HY Fallen Angel 3% Cap Total Return Index Value Unhedged (the “Benchmark”). The Investment Manager will use the Benchmark to construct the investment universe.

The Fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the full constituents of the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has limited discretion to invest outside the Benchmark where the relevant security meets the requirements of and is expected to be included in the Benchmark in the future. The majority of the Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and as a result the Fund will be similar in its currency, duration as well as sector exposures and credit quality profile, subject to investment constraints. However the Investment Manager will not seek to reflect the Benchmark’s maturity profile. The investment strategy provides similar volatility to the Benchmark over the medium to long-term.

BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. High Yield Beta Fund

BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. High Yield Beta Fund

Objective: To provide similar performance and levels of volatility as the benchmark detailed below over the medium to long-term before fees and expenses.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield TR Index (the “Benchmark”).

The Investment Manager will use the Benchmark to construct the investment universe. The Fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the full constituents of the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has limited discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus.

The majority of the Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and as a result the Fund will be similar in its currency and sector exposures as well as the maturity and credit quality profile.

The investment strategy restricts the extent to which the portfolio holdings may deviate from the Benchmark and consequently the extent to which it can outperform the Benchmark. The investment strategy provides similar volatility to the benchmark over the medium to long term.

BNY Mellon Efficient Global High Yield Beta Fund

BNY Mellon Efficient Global High Yield Beta Fund

Objective: To provide similar performance and levels of volatility as the benchmark detailed below over the medium to long-term before fees and expenses.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against Bloomberg Barclays Global High Yield Corporate USD Hedged TR Index (the “Benchmark”). The Investment Manager will use the Benchmark to construct the investment universe. The Fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the full constituents of the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has limited discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus.

The majority of the Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and as a result the Fund will be similar in its currency and sector exposures as well as the maturity and credit quality profile.

The investment strategy restricts the extent to which the portfolio holdings may deviate from the Benchmark and consequently the extent to which it can outperform the Benchmark. The investment strategy provides similar volatility to the Benchmark over the medium to long term.

BNY Mellon Efficient Global IG Corporate Beta Fund

BNY Mellon Efficient Global IG Corporate Beta Fund

Objective: To generate a return in excess of the Benchmark detailed below with similar levels of volatility over the medium to long term before fees and expenses.

Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance against Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate TR Index USD Hedged.

The Investment Manager will use the Benchmark to construct the investment universe. The Fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the full constituents of the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has limited discretion to invest outside the Benchmark subject to the investment objective and policies disclosed in the Prospectus.

The majority of the Fund’s holdings will be constituents of the Benchmark and as a result the Fund will be similar in its currency and sector exposures as well as duration. However the Investment Manager does not seek to reflect the Benchmark’s maturity and credit quality profile.

The investment strategy provides similar volatility to the Benchmark over the medium to long term.

















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The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested.


Please refer to the prospectus, and the KIID/KID before making any investment decisions. Documents are available in English and an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Fund is registered for public sale. Go to fund-centre.


*Investment Managers are appointed by BNY Mellon Investment Management EMEA Limited (BNYMIM EMEA), BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited (BNYMFM), BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (BNY MFML) or affiliated fund operating companies to undertake portfolio management activities in relation to contracts for products and services entered into by clients with BNYMIM EMEA, BNY MFML or the BNY Mellon funds.



DOC ID: 1717381 Expiry 21 December 2024







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