Solution focus
Thematic equity solutions are focused on long-term secular growth opportunities, investing for the future, today.
Thematic investing can mean different things to different people, encompassing themes as broad as globalisation or as narrow and specific as space exploration or crypto currencies. For some, thematic investing also includes responsible investing, or investing in-line with environmental, social and governance factors.
At BNY Mellon Investment Management, thematic investing means investing in innovation for the future of society. It means investing across geographies and sectors with a long-term mindset and time horizon.
This short video showcases some of the key themes that could be important for investors to consider.
The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested.
Newton Investment Management, one of BNY Mellon Investment Management’s investment firms has been researching and managing equity solutions through a thematic lens for more than 40 years.
The suite of Innovation funds offered by Newton follows a thematic structure influenced by global trends in innovation.
Thematic equity solutions are focused on long-term secular growth opportunities, investing for the future, today.
* Source: Newton as at December 2023. Assets under management (AUM) relates to the combined assets managed by the Newton Investment Management group. From 1 September 2021, Newton group of companies includes Newton Investment Management Limited (NIM) and Newton Investment Management North America LLC (NIMNA).
The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Please refer to the prospectus and the KIID/KID before making any investment decisions. Documents are available in English and an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Fund is registered for public sale. Go to
Investment Managers are appointed by BNY Mellon Investment Management EMEA Limited (BNYMIM EMEA), BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited (BNYMFM), BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (BNY MFML) or affiliated fund operating companies to undertake portfolio management activities in relation to contracts for products and services entered into by clients with BNYMIM EMEA, BNY MFML or the BNY Mellon funds.
For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the Prospectus or other offering documents.