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  • Market Watch: Fiscal Frontier

    In this edition of Market Watch, Shamik Dhar, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon Investment Management draws parallels to historical instances of debt in empires, prompting the question of whether history is destined to repeat itself.

  • Stiamo per assistere ad una rinascita del valore?

    Tre gestori del portafoglio Income di Newton parlano di reddito azionario, dividendi e value investing. Avremo un cambio di leadership nei mercati azionari?

  • Momenti cruciali

    Economisti e portfolio manager di BNY Mellon Investment Management ripercorrono i momenti cruciali degli ultimi anni, spiegando come questi abbiano influenzato le tendenze macroeconomiche e di mercato.

  • Cambiamento radicale per gli investitori azionari

    Alan Edington di Walter Scott illustra le sfide cruciali che interessano i mercati azionari e spiega perché alcune società sapranno superarle.

  • Wolters Kluwer: overcoming disruption

    Walter Scott client investment manager Murdo MacLean explains why he thinks Dutch information services business Wolters Kluwer is always moving with the times.

  • AI equity impact: already irrational?

    Speculation on the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) pervades every corner today. Few industries seem untethered from its potential impact, likewise global productivity. BNY Mellon’s Global Economics and Investment Analysis (GEIA) team outlines its view on the economic implications of the new technology wave.

  • Trovare valore fuori dal gregge

    John Bailer, gestore del BNY Mellon US Equity Income Fund, spiega perché diversificare rispetto all’indice consente di trovare valore e reddito da dividendi sul mercato statunitense.

  • Lusso sfrenato: il portafoglio del consumatore high-end reggerà?

    La propensione globale per i beni di lusso si è rivelata resiliente, nonostante le tensioni geopolitiche recenti e l’incertezza economica. Tuttavia, alcune difficoltà a breve termine potrebbero mettere un freno alle spese folli. In questo contributo Lindsay Scott, Investment Manager di Walter Scott, ci illustra l’attrattiva universale dei marchi high-end e la capacità del settore di adattarsi a condizioni di mercato impegnative.

  • Navigating shifting global equity markets

    Finding long-term opportunity in global equity markets.

  • Walter Scott festeggia 40 anni

    In occasione del quarantesimo anniversario di Walter Scott, Jane Henderson, Managing Director, riflette su come l'azienda si sia evoluta, pur mantenendo la sua filosofia secondo cui la pazienza, la continuità e una mentalità di lungo termine costituiscano i tratti distintivi di una grande azienda.

  • Are markets ripe for value investing?

    How the economic impacts of deglobalisation, normalizing interest rates and the return of inflationary pressures could help value investors.

  • Which way next for multi-asset?

    How a shifting inflationary picture is influencing asset classes and portfolio management.

  • Leading the Way

    The combination of growth and resilience are attributes highly sought after by investors. In the form of the BNY Mellon Global Leaders Fund, Walter Scott1 has created exactly that. George Dent, investment manager at the firm, looks at what helps its strategy stand out from the crowd.

  • What do the markets mean for you as a long-term investor?

    Murdo Maclean, client portfolio manager at Walter Scott, takes a look at equity markets and what they might mean both for investors and consumers highlighting some key stocks such as TGX, Fortinet and Novo Nordisk

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