Is natural income making a comeback?
Richard Parkin, head of retirement, explores some of the misconceptions around natural income and why it might be making a comeback.
1958614 Exp : 07 October 2024
It is often suggested that clients planning to take retirement income from their investments need to lessen their equity exposure to reflect a reduced capacity for taking investment risk. But, does that mean turning their back on equities? Listen to our fireside chat with Richard Parkin, Head of Retirement for BNY Investments, as he discusses what equity income could mean for clients in retirement.
A closer look at sequence of returns risk
What factors could impact retirement success?
Most advisers will be familiar with the idea of sequence of returns risk. That is, the risk that losses occur early in retirement and reduce the sustainability of income. But where does this risk come from and how do we measure it? In this video, Richard Parkin, Head of Retirement at BNY Investments explains why focusing on volatility alone is unlikely to be the whole answer and how other characteristics may have a bigger impact on retirement success.