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Why income stocks are attractive now


There are several reasons why we believe that income stocks could be an attractive option for investors:


Income prospects look attractive versus other income alternatives. Dividends may provide better inflation protection, and they are often more sustainable owing to many companies lowering payout ratios.


The potential for slower growth and lower capital returns from equity markets could make the income component of overall returns more significant.


Income stocks can provide diversification to any portfolio. Amid the global recovery from the pandemic, they have demonstrated an ability to decouple from growth stocks, tended to when the latter have come under pressure.



Value-orientated companies paying good dividend yields act differently to the rest of the market in a more inflationary environment




Dividend Sustainability

Newton believes dividends look more sustainable today than in previous market downturns. This is because during the pandemic companies reduced payout ratios. Distributing a lower percentage of earnings to shareholders means dividend coverage looks high, creating a buffer.

Shift in the macro environment more favourable for income stocks

Dividends matter more in markets with higher inflation, volatility and lower returns. Income stocks have traditionally performed better relative to the broader equity market during periods of higher inflation, says James Lydotes, Deputy CIO and Head of Equity Income.

Compounding of dividends is the dominant source of long-term returns

Impact of dividends, United States, 1900-20221





For illustrative purposes only.

Note: 1 Bespoke US stock index. Returns and capital gains 1900-2022.
Source: DMS Database, copyright © Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton. Returns data licensed by Morningstar, 2022.


Newton's Income Solutions


Newton offers a range of income solutions to meet investors’ unique mix of yield / risk appetite.

The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.



Source: evestment. 10 year data as of 31 December 2023. Performance calculated as a total return gross of fees in USD. Fees and charges apply and can have a material impact on the performance of your investment.



Brought to you by Newton Investment Management

A global multi-specialist investment manager with a full spectrum of research-driven solutions.

Why Newton for Income Solutions





Solution focus
Newton's suite of income strategies seek to achieve income distributions and long-term capital growth. The philosophy behind the solutions in that the compounding of dividends is the dominant source of long-term real returns.
£25 bn in income strategies across: Global, US, UK, Asian, Multi-Asset, Emerging and Infrastructure.*
Expertise recognised
Investing in income strategies for over 20 years, evidence of strong dividend growth and a strong income strategies.
  • Strict buy & sell discipline
  • Focus on dividend sustainability
  • Consideration of themes, fundamentals and ESG
  • Valuation margin of safety
13 portfolio managers with average 22 years' investment experience and 17 years at Newton supported by a global research team with an average 14 years' investment experience and 9 years at firm.
Expertise recognised
Solution focus



Solution focus

Newton's suite of income strategies seek to achieve income distributions and long-term capital growth. The philosophy behind the solutions in that the compounding of dividends is the dominant source of long-term real returns.

*Source: Newton. 31 December 2023




Years' investment
at firm2




1 Excludes UK Equity Income portfolio managers.

Years’ investment experience and tenure at firm are team average numbers as at 31 December 2023 with years at firm relating to tenure at Newton and / or Mellon Investment Corporation. Source: Newton group of companies, 31 December 2023

*Newton, 2023


Newton's Income Fund Range

The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested.




BNY Mellon US Equity Income Fund

Fund Manager: John Bailer

BNY Mellon Global Equity Income Fund

Fund Manager: Jon Bell

BNY Mellon Asian Income Fund

Fund Manager: Zoe Kan

BNY Mellon Global Infrastructure Income

Fund Manager: James Lydotes





No data was found





Historical track record %

Past performance is not a guide to future performance


*Simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations.  Simulated results do not represent actual trading/returns and are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Fees and charges apply and can have a material effect on the performance of your investment.


These synthetic returns were derived by synthetically removing the impact of hedging instruments from an actual Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity mandate hedged to US Dollars. This unhedged performance stream includes the performance of client cash and investments managed in the Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity strategy to present the performance results of what an unhedged mandate could have achieved over this time period.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Newton Asian Equity Income strategy 6.95 0.84 6.95 5.95 14.81 1.27 12.89
FTSE Asia Pacific ex-Japan TR 2.29 -5.88 -0.10 19.42 14.48 -8.51 23.37
Newton Global Equity Income strategy 5.75 8.91 -15.91 3.01 22.10 0.71 8.93
FTSE World 17.18 -7.16 22.07 12.74 22.81 -3.09 13.34
Newton Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity strategy 9.97 -7.39 16.29 -12.56 21.22 -6.03 17.48
S&P Global Infrastructure 6.79 -0.17 11.87 -5.76 26.99 -9.50 20.13
Newton Multi-Asset Income Strategy 5.17 -0.58 12.00 4.20 16.34 -5.12 13.08
Newton Income Stock Strategy 10.14 4.62 31.02 -1.83 29.30 -7.94 16.11
S&P 500 26.29 -18.11 28.71 18.40 31.49 -4.38 21.83
Newton UK Equity Income Strategy 11.38 9.69 17.62 -8.57 21.15 -6.41 11.68
FTSE All-Share 7.92 0.34 18.32 -9.82 19.17 -9.47 13.10




Source: Newton, eVestment. Data as at 31 March 2023. Newton Global Equity Income strategy, Newton Asian Equity Income strategy, Newton UK Equity Income strategy and Newton Multi-Asset Income strategy performance calculated as a total return, income reinvested, gross of fees in GBP. Newton Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity strategy and Newton Income Stock performance calculated as a total return, income reinvested, gross of fees in USD. Fees and charges apply and can have a material effect on the performance of your investment.



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Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed. 

Please refer to the prospectus and the KIID/KID before making any investment decisions. Documents are available in English and an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Fund is registered for public sale. Go to




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