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Systematic Fixed Income



What is Systematic Fixed Income?

Our ‘Systematic Fixed Income’ strategies seek to generate sufficient returns, after trading costs, to deliver index-like returns with a low tracking error.


They aim to harvest returns by exploiting systematic and structural market inefficiencies, which are often ignored by other managers as a result of high trading costs and the inability to source certain bonds in illiquid segments of the global fixed income market.





Brought to you by Insight*  


A global multi-specialist investment manager with a full spectrum of research-driven solutions.


Why Insight for Systematic Fixed Income?



AUM across fixed income, equity, multi-asset and index strategies

Solution focus
Actively partner with clients to develop liquid and cost - efficient fixed income solutions that achieve desired outcomes, including ESG considerations. 
US$236.6bn AUM in fixed income of which US$8.78bn is in systematic fixed income strategies1
ETFs: Experts in leveraging the ETF ecosystem to reduce trading costs and improve liquidity
Systematic: Time-tested quantitative models replace discretionary risk taking

Innovative and flexible toolkit designed to preserve value, manage risks and harvest alpha

2012: first systematic fixed income strategy launched, focusing on US high yield.
Deep experience of working with authorised participants1 and credit desks
Solution focus


AUM across fixed income, equity, multi-asset and index strategies


Solution focus

Actively partner with clients to develop liquid and cost - efficient fixed income solutions that achieve desired outcomes, including ESG considerations. 


1. Source: Insight as at 31 December 2023. Insight Investment's assets under management are represented by the value of cash securities and other economic exposure managed for clients. Where applicable, assets include discretionary and non-discretionary assets, the notional value of overlay strategies, and assets managed by investment personnel acting in their capacity as officers of affiliated entities.


2. Authorized participants (AP) are one of the major parties at the centre of the creation and redemption process for exchange-traded funds (ETF). They provide a large portion of liquidity in the ETF market by obtaining the underlying assets required to create a fund.


Insight is a long standing player in the ETF ecosystem with specific skill sets and tools to target these challenges.


Insight were early pioneers in indexation and have unique talents to deliver Systematic Fixed Income and are solutions-led, responding to client challenges where value can be added back to help achieve the clients’ desired outcomes.








Meet the team


Insight’s Systematic Fixed Income team has over thirty years of experience managing fixed income portfolios and has been running systematic fixed Income portfolios since 2012.

Source: Insight as at December 2023.


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CAIA® and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by the CAIA Association








BNY Mellon Efficient Global High Yield Beta Fund

Fund Managers: Team Approach

BNY Mellon Efficient Global IG Corporate Beta Fund

Fund Managers: Team Approach

BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. Fallen Angels Beta Fund

Fund Managers: Team Approach

BNY Mellon Efficient U.S. High Yield Beta Fund

Fund Managers: Team Approach



The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested.


Please refer to the prospectus, and the KID before making any investment decisions. Documents are available in English and an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Fund is registered for public sale. Go to fund-centre.




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Important information


*Investment Managers are appointed by BNY Mellon Investment Management EMEA Limited (BNYMIM EMEA), BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited (BNYMFM), BNY Mellon Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (BNY MFML) or affiliated fund operating companies to undertake portfolio management activities in relation to contracts for products and services entered into by clients with BNYMIM EMEA, BNY MFML or the BNY Mellon funds.


1888802 Exp: October 31, 2024






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